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When It Comes to Beautiful Smiles, We Offer Only the Best!

It is one of our top priorities to protect the well-being of our valued patients. We are proud to provide a state-of-the-art facility for the highest quality dental care available. For this reason, our office meets and surpasses all OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and CDC (Center for Disease Control) standards. We are confident that you will feel right at home in our office– we welcome all patients as if they were family!

front office view


Our professional reception team brings a personal touch to the appointment experience. If you would like to make an appointment, please contact our office by phone 651-301-8921. We love our patients, both new and seasoned, and we will do our best to provide an appointment time that works for you and our office, based on the service you need.

After hours and emergency needs? We are here for you! We will direct your after-hours, emergency calls to one of our on-call staff members. Staff is usually available to answer your phone calls by 7:30 am on days we are open.

A Modern and Comfortable Office

Our clients are seen in a state-of-the-art facility that meets and surpasses all OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and CDC (Center for Disease Control) standards. Our commitment to excellence ensures you receive the highest quality dental care through cutting-edge technology and dental equipment, allowing us to take a modern approach to dental concerns with the most effective treatments available. From the moment you walk through our doors, our welcoming staff strives to make you feel right at home, offering a personal touch to every appointment experience.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide you with comprehensive dental care that includes the latest advancements in dentistry. We also emphasize educating our patients on how they can care for their teeth and gums at home while providing exceptional customer service. We’re dedicated to working together in a positive environment to offer our patients the long-term benefits that quality dentistry can provide. We continually strive to improve the well-being and self-image of our patients and our dental team and never settle for average. Quality dental care extends beyond the chair, and we’re committed to ensuring every patient leaves our office with a smile that makes them proud.

Our Vision

We uphold a vision of leadership in dentistry through clinical excellence and patient satisfaction. Our commitment is unwavering to our patients and to their health, happiness, and improved self-worth. Our entire team is continually expanding their knowledge of the latest advancements in dentistry to ensure our patients the most modern care available.

Schedule a Dental Appointment Today

We invite you to experience the difference at Noesen and Associates in Red Wing, MN, where your smile is our mission. Whether you’re visiting for a routine cleaning and exam or a more complex procedure, we’re here to provide you with the highest standard of care in a welcoming and supportive environment. Thank you for trusting us to help you with your dental health.

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Beautiful Smiles Start Here